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IDD Supply IDD2(en) SD = H, IN = L, V S = 0 V 500 A IDD Supply IDD3(dis) SD = L, IN = X, V S = 0 V 5 IDD Supply IDD4(en) SD = H, IN = X, V S = 25 V, V BOOT = 30 V 0 IDD Supply IDD5(dis) SD = L, IN = X, V S = 25 V, V BOOT = 30 V 5 IDD Supply IDD(en) F IN = 300 kHz, SD = High, Driving Si4412DY 9 mA IDD(dis) F IN = 300 kHz, SD = Low, Driving Si4412DY 3 A Boot Strap Current. L \V Howes for plaiiuifl;. í í ï X > } } l v P Á o } v P } h^ î ì í í ð X > } } l v P v } Z^ ó (ONKDUW &RXQW\ 8 6 6HFWLRQ &5 WR 65 'HV 1R.

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507PC0844 Propunere de directivă a Parlamentului European şi a Consiliului privind emisiile industriale (prevenirea şi controlul integrat al poluării) (reformare) COM(07) 843 final SEC(07) 1679 SEC(07) 16 /* COM/07/0844 final COD 07/0286 */. MARKET WATCH 7 30 ( ( ) 2 8 801 2574 2229 2574 1630 wwwMW801com !. 01/01/18 · M t§»æš brY¤ÂÍ« tNyhfhjJ % 100 Ï më¤j fhnrhiyfŸ brY¤Jif¡F K‹åiy¥ gL¤j¥gléšiy % 150 < t§» më¤j t£o % Ñœ¡fh©gitfëš bjhl®òŸs ÃiHfis¡ F¿¥Ã£L, mj‹ _y« ÏU¥ghŒÎ cl‹ghL ghÂ¥gilÍkh mšyJ ghÂ¥gilahjh v‹gij¡ F¿¥ÃLf ËtU« ÃiHfis¤ ÂU¤Jf 2 é‰gid V£o‹ bkh¤j« % 2,500.

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" am L V oo " LP I I 0 0 Total water supply (P I, mm) D agvF* * 0 V A so a3 o 1 Lw V sea P W 73 Typically, REC values were on the order of 0308, which implies that rainfall is less effective than irrigation water in meeting crop water requirements From the exceptionally high REC value for the 19 growing season at. Page i ï~~33d congress, 1st session5 senate executive doe exploration of the wi rej) riverf of louisiana, in the year 1852 by randolph b marcy, captain fifth infantry united statesarmy;. Rise Time Differential Output tr ï 100 ï ns Fall Time Differential Output tf ï 100 ï ns 1 Supply current when output is high is typically 10 mA less 2 Tested at VCC = 50 V and VCC = 15 V Monostable mode 3 This will determine the maximum value of RA RB for 15 V operation The maximum total R = M 4 Tlow = 0°C for MC1455, Tlow = ï 40°C for MC1455B, NCV1455B Thigh = 70°C.

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