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Appendix B Proportion of simulated data sets rejecting the null hypothesis when simulated data are from Contaminated Additive Benford distribution for digits 11‐99 with ¹ = 00. 3 S 248 /Admn/PSTCL fH3t 1421 fea à è 3 I æ gu Ëû/ñWðà lftSûñ*, fHû 1421 S 4486/98 2 4 5 8 9 1 2. îö Û î VÚíîö ô æ ñ û Üïðø ö è ðð X ð ñîÜ îï Ùú Öøõ Ùøå ñîÜ îó îå î 400 300 0 100 (au) (au) 178% 2562 434% 4641 1787 4641 1787 1422%.
(3) Cathode current densities (between 300–400 mA cm−2 10) Thus, the electrolyzer performance is limited Nafion membranes are employed in the DuPontDeNora and BayerUhdeNora processes, while the BayerHoechstUhde industrially still uses PVCbased diaphragms due to lower costs 11 The. ¹ é NÐ Ç e n Ç/N û ¹ y ^ ê ã Ä æ ö Æ ¿ * / æ5Y Ò á Å ã Ä 3 Ç e *19Ô K Ö é 4 Ó2 & 1,700mm *2 Ò á Å 43 R"õ å Ç Ð È Ì é 1ñ Æ Ä y ^ æ Æ Ì á ê A æ/U5 Ç4 Î ã Ç ½ ù Ô y ^ é4 Ó2 §0» Ô ã 4F4 Ó2 ê. Абгарян, Н 1971 Наринэ Abgari︠a︡n, Narinė Abgarjan, Narinè, 1971Abgarân, Narinè, 1971 Абгарян, Наринэ Юрьевна, 1971.
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Наталія Юріївна Королевська Korolevsʹka, Natalii︠a︡ Korolevs'ka, Natalìâ Ûrìïvna (1975 ) Королевская, Наталия Юрьевна. более чем 400 известных программ более половины имеют целью улучшение грамотности в области психического здоровья или борьбы со стигматизацией. \ g fß fýg# g fÝfç (Ù 400 ºfþ t ¾d 3 fÚføfãg fß fìg#fûg# #è zh Çh fïfñg fß 'g z fÚføfãg fß fÒfßfû g# #è zh o Çh fÛfïfÝg fß z fÚg#fúg fß ê z fÚ.
125 A to 400 A 500 A, 630 A Power Terminal Connections FRAME FRAME B4 FRAME B5 Minimum cable section Cu (mm²) N ûU F 50 H 60 H XXXXXXXX NONAUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH 3PSF Suitable or control o motor, electric dicharge lam, tungten ilament lam, and electric heating euiment. Û (3) Determine 9 A small, dense ball was used as the object in this experiment State an advantage of using this type of ball less air resistance (4) State 4 s (cm) 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 t (ms) 250 285 310 345 380 400 435. * 6ä,< ö3o ¡ _ > e ¥ ¼ 'ö# @!Þ 2 5 _ l p m s8j £ *o Û í j r z*> í `#ã,< ¡ (iihfwv ri hqg ri gd\ khdwlqj wuhdwphqw rq ixho frqvxpswlrq ri orz whpshudwxuh ri.
Typical US municipal solid waste, theoretical estimate 400 ~ 5 Weight of organic components by degradability, theoretical estimate 100 ~ 310 Anaerobic digestion of refuse with sludge, lab measurement 210 ~ 260 Lysimeters operated 1 year 02 ~ 400. 400 600 800 1,000 2,000 3,000 1Pulse 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 Imax(A) Rectangular wave ( ¼sec) 100 1,000 10,000 500 300 0 100 80 60 40 30 10 8 6 4 2 1 08 06 04 02 N û XÓ OÝ w jO Y I N wwwjoyincomtw Pulse Life time Ratings7mmVI Characteristic Curve7mm All specification is base on datasheets and subject to change without notice. / Ì f Æ É _!.
Sep 04, 15 · conditions, namely Re =400, for which both DNS and LES simulations are feasible, with possible comparison of the results to existing DNS databases for singlephase flow over rough surfaces at the exact same flow conditions (2, 3) In contrast to the original benchmark defined by Chatzikytiakou et al 4,. 4 pages in4, datée 1/11/1922 à Belgrade, avec les notes manuscrites. U {,² ý Û () /· ) /¸ Û 6%K ú%Ü ö Ü Å$ï h$ 3 Æ !.
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