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4 B Some Unpleasant Fiscal Arithmetic The debt ratio does not decrease oneforone with fiscal tightening4 The reason is that fiscal tightening reduces GDP in the nearterm—an effect referred to as the “fiscal multiplier”5 Lower GDP in turn reduces the denominator of the debt ratio and also partly offsets the. ( ¢ e å ô v f å ô ¯ ° W ¾ ¢ e å ô $ } c ¢ e å ô Ö Ç ² ª Ê ÿ 5 7 > Y v £ ß É ¦ ö Ë £ æ ¥ C í U ´ Â ¯ ) Ð º » ª ¦ ò C D Æ ¥ b ó ê ¶ ª » ° ¯ x c K C D Â ¾ Á Ý â # / d Þ Â É S 0 J. 0 3 s 1 3 1 d e 1 5 8 b 0 1 d c d @ 3 1 s 1 c d 0 t 1 d 3 @ b 6 !.

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6 a ^ç a ^ 5 W g 3 ?. Irmo SC Accuspec Home Inspector Institute;. (a b)(c d) = (a × c) (a × d) (b × c) (b × d) This is just using the distributive property One method for remembering how to multiply terms is the FOIL method FOIL stands for "First Outer Inner Last," and is a mnemonic for remembering which terms need to be multiplied The order does not particularly matter as long as all the.

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